Sunday, November 1, 2020

Suggestions and Offers dialogue

 Jack: Hey, you're Minerva right? Do you remember me?

Minerva: Ah, are you Jack from H-University? I remember you!

Jack: It's been a long time huh? How have you been and what're you doing here?

Minerva: Nothing much, I'm currently pondering over my life situation right now, how about you?

Jack: Good! Woah, didn't expect it considering how calm you look, would you mind sharing with me? I could probably help some way.

Minerva: Yeah sure, recently I got into a car crash, my car is totaled, and the other driver has the audacity to ask for money to compensate the dent on his car! I swear it's the other driver fault and I even have evidence!

Jack: Oof, sounds rough. If you have evidence, I suggest to search for a lawyer to sue him and make him to compensate your loss.

Minerva: That's a great idea... Unfortunately I don't know any lawyer.

Jack: Hmm, you probably don't know this but I graduated from law school and even had a couple of cases before this. I'll be your lawyer if you don't have one, consider this for an old friend. 

Minerva: You're very generous Jack, thank you. I'll probably accept your offer, can you share your phone number with me?

Jack: Sure! Here. I gotta go, see you soon!


personal relationship

math, chemistry, futsal, leader

To Harvard University

I am writing this letter to you for recommending one of my best students. He'll be a great addition to your collections of assistant professor. His name is Daffa Nabil, he has great ambitions to become a lecturer, or a doctor which I believe will be the best for his growth at Harvard University. I'm one of the oldest guidance counselling mentor in Indonesia, and my eyes searching for potential in students seldom failed.

Daffa is an honest, active, and a hardworking student. He'll always try to achieve the maximum score for all of the teachers assignments. He's very active, almost all the organizational activities at school known to students, he'll always be there being the leader. Even if he can't be the leader, he'll be the next position of leadership after the leader. He'll work very hard at the organizational activities, not even sparing a wasteful break. All of the organizational activities he's been in always result in success, thanks to his charm and leadership.

In classes, Daffa is liked by everyone. He'll always be there when you search for him and answer all of his classmate question regarding school, and subjects he's good at. Not all of his friends at school only consist of his classmate, students outside of his class know about him, some are his friends. Not only he's active at organizational activities, even in extracurriculars he's in.

I believe he'll be a great help to your circle of assistant professor, he's very curious and I believe he'll study and searching for knowledge outside his area of expertise when he's given the chance at Harvard University. 


Hasbi Huda M.,
Guidance counsellor.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020


    Future is what everyone worrying about. Although you shouldn't worry much about the future, because the present is still important, still, we should plan ahead and have a bright future.

    Living with joy, dying without regrets, is my go-to motto. Once I saw someone working very hard in the present for the exchange of bright, relax future. The person I mentioned now is very rich and have a happy, relaxed life for her youth. 

    When I saw what she accomplished, I thought "That makes sense, I should do that too". But after thinking it again, that is a very risky move. Will I be able to diligently work very hard and not even a second take a chance to have a long break? Is there a guarantee that I'll live long enough to enjoy my hard work?

    And even if I work very hard and there is a guarantee that I'll live long enough to enjoy it, when should I stop? Is it when I get Rp. 1 Million? 1 Billion? or when I get that wage per month? When do I stop? Or specifically, How do I decide when I am satisfied?

    That's why I will get a stable job, no risk but high guarantee. But there's no point in getting that job if I'll just work hard and not enjoy it in the slightest. So a job that's suitable for me, what is it?

Well for starters, I'm good at technology, English, possibly entrepreneurship. What do we get? First, a developer profession. The one that makes software and stuff, it's a stable job and I like making software for enjoyment. Unfortunately, it's a high bar job. Only the best of the best can make the cut, and the best university for that in Bandung is ITB at STEI major. And I heard it's very hard to major in STEI, and I even haven't talk about getting into STEI.

Secondly, what my mother suggested is Digital Marketing. It requires marketing skill and technology skill, and as luck would have it, I have the qualifications to even dream about taking the job. For now, my ambition is set on taking digital marketing, now I need motivation to diligently study hard.  

We should have ambition, and no repentance when we are at our dying breath.

Thank you for coming to my TED-Talk. See you when I see you

Friday, March 13, 2020

Padri War

Hasil gambar untuk perang padri

The Padri War 

Was a war that took place in West Sumatra and its surroundings, especially in the area of ​​the Kingdom of Pagaruyung in 1803 to 1838. This war was a war that was initially a result of conflict on religious matters before turning into a war against colonialism.

The Padri War is actually the resistance of the Padri against the dominance of the Dutch Indies government in West Sumatra, then there is a conflict between the Padri and the adat which led to the entrance to Dutch interference and this war was divided into 3 phases, and that was :

  1. The movement of people who was attacking the posts and the prevention of Dutch patrols (1821-1825)
  2. The Padang agreement (1825-1830).
  3. Dutch strategy of ''Winning The Heart'' and ''Long Placards'' in Padri War (1830-1837 / 1838)

Background of the War

The Padri War was motivated by the return of three Haji from Makkah around 1803, namely the Haji Miskin, Haji Sumanik and Haji Piobang who want to improve the Islamic Shari'a which had not been perfectly carried out by the Minangkabau people. Knowing this, Tuanku Nan Renceh was very interested and then supported the wishes of the three Hajj people along with other ulemas in Minangkabau who were members of the Nan Salapan Tiger.

And then Harimao Nan Salapan asked Tuanku Lintau to invite '' Yang Pertuan Pagaruyung of Sultan Arifin Muningsyah'' along with the Indigenous people to abandon some practices that were contrary to the teachings of Islam. In some negotiations there was no agreement between the Padri and the Indigenous Peoples. Along with that, some villages in the kingdom of Pagaruyung were turbulent, culminating in 1815, the Padri under the leadership of Tuanku Pasaman attacked the Kingdom of Pagaruyung and war broke out in Koto Tangah. This attack caused Sultan Arifin Muningsyah to be forced to flee and escape from the royal capital. From the records of Raffles, who had visited Pagaruyung in 1818, said that he only found the remains of the burning Pagaruyung Royal Palace.

Strategies that has been used by Indigenous Peoples and the Dutch

Strategy of the Indigenous Peoples and the Kingdom of Pagaruyung: Ask for Dutch Help

The Indigenous people was began overwhelmed by the Padri. The Padri continued to attack the Indigenous Peoples. Defeat after defeat suffered by the Indigenous Peoples. Sultan Arifin Muningsyah is nowhere. Everything is bad for the Indigenous people. They also negotiated to resolve this problem. Until finally a solution was obtained, which was to ask for Dutch assistance.

Sultan Tangkal Alam Bagagar led the Indigenous People to negotiate with the Dutch. Although the original Sultan of Tangkal Alam Bagagar had no right to act in the name of the Kingdom of Pagaruyung, they still insisted on signing the agreement. Because of this agreement, the Dutch considered the Kingdom of Pagaruyung surrendering to the Government of the Dutch East Indies. At that time Padang was led by Resident James du Puy. On the advice of the resident, Sultan Tangkal Alam Bagagar was appointed by the Dutch to be the ''Tanah Datar Regent''. This alliance opportunity is too dear to miss because the Dutch are also very interested in Minangkabau because it is suitable for planting coffee. Coffee was an important trade commodity for the Dutch in Europe.

The Dutch, who were invited by Indigenous Peoples to interfere in West Sumatra's affairs, began to act. They attacked the Hard Water and Simawang areas led by Captain Dienema and Captain Goffinet. Then Lieutenant Colonel Raaff helped the two captains and managed to drive the Padri people out of Pagaruyung. Then the Dutch built the fortress Fort Van Der Capellen in the Batusangkar area.
Infographic Timeline of Padri War

Information regarding the Timeline was from Made it from

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Edupassion 2020

Diaz and I

Sorry for the bad resolution (only 480p). I had no time to render it at 720p. But if this vide get 20k likes I'll upload it in 720p 😎👊

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


The woodsman and the crane

By traditional
A crane was standing in a stream, hoping to catch some fish. A huntsman was crawling through the bushes on the riverbank, and spotted the crane. He’d not caught anything that day, and carefully readied his bow and arrow. He took aim and sent an arrow flying towards the crane. The crane heard the movement of the arrow through the air, and raised her wings. Just as she was airborn, the arrow hit her in the thigh. She squealed, but was able to stay in the air and fly away. She didn’t get very far before the pain forced her down. She landed awkwardly in a clearing in the woods. A woodsman who’d been working there, gathering branches, found the poor crane. He took pity on her, and dropped his wood, and carried the crane to his hut. There he removed the arrow, and applied some herbs to help heal the wound. The woodsman took good care of the crane, he fed her and changed her dressing every day. As her wound healed, the crane fell in love with this kind woodsman.
Unbeknown to the woodsman, the crane happened to possess magic powers, and she was able to turn herself into a young woman. When the woodsman came home from his work that evening, he found the woman there, who had prepared a meal for him. The next day she went into the village and procured a weaving loam that she placed in one of the rooms. That night the woman explained to her husband that she’ll be weaving cloth for him to sell in the market. That way they can earn much more money than he can possibly make from selling wood. But she warned him that he must never come into the room when she is working, or something really bad will happen.
Weeks and months passed. Every day the man went to the market to sell the cloth and every evening when he arrived back home, there was a large quantity of newly woven cloth. They were now very well off, and they had a very good life. One day the man became curious, and he determined to see how his wife managed to produce all this very fine cloth day in day out. He set off for the market as usual with the cloth, but once out of sight of the house, he hid the cloth behind some trees, and went back to the house. Keeping very quiet, he crept up to the room where she worked. He could hear her working inside. He slowly opened the door, and peeked inside. To his great shock, there working at the loam was the crane he rescued! Immediately the magic spell was broken, and the crane returned to her natural state. Because he could not control his curiosity, the man lost his wife, and his income from selling the cloth she used to weave.
Jin Lou told this story to Frans Timmermans


Questions for you all:
1. What happens to the huntsman?
2. Why the woodsman sneak to his wife's room?
3. Where the woodsman found the crane?
4. Who are the main characters in the story?
5. How did the crane turn into a young woman?

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

2 weeks of laziness(Holiday)

My 2 weeks worth of nothing

     So today I'm gonna tell you a story about a boy on holiday. His name is Hasbi(me), a teen in high school on his prime. 

     The story starts at 23rd December 2019. It was the first day of official holiday. Monday morning. I welcome the fact that there will be no school for 2 weeks. My best friend on another school was on holiday too. We plan for tomorrow to play video games. A shame my laptop is infected with virus, so I can't play on my own laptop. Tuesday morning, I wait for adzan dzuhur to start, so after I pray, I can freely go to an internet cafe that is close to home. After praying, I hurriedly went to the internet cafe, I didn't forget to say goodbye to my mom and sisters. I am a regular visitor at this cafe, so I only need to say where I want to sit and tell the total hours I want to play, which is 4, equals to Rp 10.000. I went online and greet my friend on the other side of the spectrum. We played only 1 game, but it went for 2 hours in total. The 2 hours remaining, I spent them playing solo games that I can't play on my laptop.
Image result for internet cafe
     Nothing interesting for another 2 days, I spent the days in my house lazing my butt off. But at Friday, I took a shower and prepared for Jum'atan, a man only pray in the mosque. After I left my house, I noticed some dark clouds glooming over the sky. Better be safe than sorry, I took my umbrella to the mosque. As expected after I prayed, it was raining there, but unexpectedly it's not just a normal rain, it's storming outside. I went outside to take a good look, and there was a flood at least 3cm deep and it was raining heavily with thunder going off here and there. The people of the mosque and I waited for the rain to subsided. While waiting, I saw some brave, courageous, impatient, and foolish people fought the rain. They ran without umbrella to the safety of their home which, fortunately is just across the street. I luckily brought my umbrella, so after waiting for the rain subsided a little, I get to home early in the safety of my umbrella. It was an interesting experience, so I texted my friend to see how is he doing at the mercy of the rain. He said he drove his motorbike to the mosque, so his motorbike is soaked in water.
Image result for rain storm city
     On Saturday we played again. I'm at the internet cafe, my friend was in the safety of his own house. My family and I planned to go to see a movie on Thursday at the local mall. But unfortunately my younger sister went on a hunger strike so she was sick and couldn't go. Because she is barely 6, we can't just leave her alone in the house so we postponed the plan. So at Thursday I went to the internet cafe again, and it was for the last time on the 2 weeks of holiday. At Friday, my sister was still sick. So we postponed again to the Sunday this time. Nothing interesting happen at the mosque, except maybe I forgot to pick up my umbrella there so it was left at the mosque(but I took my umbrella after the holiday). At Sunday my younger sister is healthy again so we can go to see a movie. But I suddenly don't want to go so I reject come along because I was too lazy to walk.
Image result for hunger strike
     So... that was my 2 weeks of holiday except I didn't go anywhere worthwhile. I hope you find this story interesting and keep you entertained. That was all from me, thank you for reading and see you on another post. Buh-bye.