Sunday, November 1, 2020


personal relationship

math, chemistry, futsal, leader

To Harvard University

I am writing this letter to you for recommending one of my best students. He'll be a great addition to your collections of assistant professor. His name is Daffa Nabil, he has great ambitions to become a lecturer, or a doctor which I believe will be the best for his growth at Harvard University. I'm one of the oldest guidance counselling mentor in Indonesia, and my eyes searching for potential in students seldom failed.

Daffa is an honest, active, and a hardworking student. He'll always try to achieve the maximum score for all of the teachers assignments. He's very active, almost all the organizational activities at school known to students, he'll always be there being the leader. Even if he can't be the leader, he'll be the next position of leadership after the leader. He'll work very hard at the organizational activities, not even sparing a wasteful break. All of the organizational activities he's been in always result in success, thanks to his charm and leadership.

In classes, Daffa is liked by everyone. He'll always be there when you search for him and answer all of his classmate question regarding school, and subjects he's good at. Not all of his friends at school only consist of his classmate, students outside of his class know about him, some are his friends. Not only he's active at organizational activities, even in extracurriculars he's in.

I believe he'll be a great help to your circle of assistant professor, he's very curious and I believe he'll study and searching for knowledge outside his area of expertise when he's given the chance at Harvard University. 


Hasbi Huda M.,
Guidance counsellor.

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