Sunday, November 1, 2020

Suggestions and Offers dialogue

 Jack: Hey, you're Minerva right? Do you remember me?

Minerva: Ah, are you Jack from H-University? I remember you!

Jack: It's been a long time huh? How have you been and what're you doing here?

Minerva: Nothing much, I'm currently pondering over my life situation right now, how about you?

Jack: Good! Woah, didn't expect it considering how calm you look, would you mind sharing with me? I could probably help some way.

Minerva: Yeah sure, recently I got into a car crash, my car is totaled, and the other driver has the audacity to ask for money to compensate the dent on his car! I swear it's the other driver fault and I even have evidence!

Jack: Oof, sounds rough. If you have evidence, I suggest to search for a lawyer to sue him and make him to compensate your loss.

Minerva: That's a great idea... Unfortunately I don't know any lawyer.

Jack: Hmm, you probably don't know this but I graduated from law school and even had a couple of cases before this. I'll be your lawyer if you don't have one, consider this for an old friend. 

Minerva: You're very generous Jack, thank you. I'll probably accept your offer, can you share your phone number with me?

Jack: Sure! Here. I gotta go, see you soon!

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