Tuesday, January 7, 2020

2 weeks of laziness(Holiday)

My 2 weeks worth of nothing

     So today I'm gonna tell you a story about a boy on holiday. His name is Hasbi(me), a teen in high school on his prime. 

     The story starts at 23rd December 2019. It was the first day of official holiday. Monday morning. I welcome the fact that there will be no school for 2 weeks. My best friend on another school was on holiday too. We plan for tomorrow to play video games. A shame my laptop is infected with virus, so I can't play on my own laptop. Tuesday morning, I wait for adzan dzuhur to start, so after I pray, I can freely go to an internet cafe that is close to home. After praying, I hurriedly went to the internet cafe, I didn't forget to say goodbye to my mom and sisters. I am a regular visitor at this cafe, so I only need to say where I want to sit and tell the total hours I want to play, which is 4, equals to Rp 10.000. I went online and greet my friend on the other side of the spectrum. We played only 1 game, but it went for 2 hours in total. The 2 hours remaining, I spent them playing solo games that I can't play on my laptop.
Image result for internet cafe
     Nothing interesting for another 2 days, I spent the days in my house lazing my butt off. But at Friday, I took a shower and prepared for Jum'atan, a man only pray in the mosque. After I left my house, I noticed some dark clouds glooming over the sky. Better be safe than sorry, I took my umbrella to the mosque. As expected after I prayed, it was raining there, but unexpectedly it's not just a normal rain, it's storming outside. I went outside to take a good look, and there was a flood at least 3cm deep and it was raining heavily with thunder going off here and there. The people of the mosque and I waited for the rain to subsided. While waiting, I saw some brave, courageous, impatient, and foolish people fought the rain. They ran without umbrella to the safety of their home which, fortunately is just across the street. I luckily brought my umbrella, so after waiting for the rain subsided a little, I get to home early in the safety of my umbrella. It was an interesting experience, so I texted my friend to see how is he doing at the mercy of the rain. He said he drove his motorbike to the mosque, so his motorbike is soaked in water.
Image result for rain storm city
     On Saturday we played again. I'm at the internet cafe, my friend was in the safety of his own house. My family and I planned to go to see a movie on Thursday at the local mall. But unfortunately my younger sister went on a hunger strike so she was sick and couldn't go. Because she is barely 6, we can't just leave her alone in the house so we postponed the plan. So at Thursday I went to the internet cafe again, and it was for the last time on the 2 weeks of holiday. At Friday, my sister was still sick. So we postponed again to the Sunday this time. Nothing interesting happen at the mosque, except maybe I forgot to pick up my umbrella there so it was left at the mosque(but I took my umbrella after the holiday). At Sunday my younger sister is healthy again so we can go to see a movie. But I suddenly don't want to go so I reject come along because I was too lazy to walk.
Image result for hunger strike
     So... that was my 2 weeks of holiday except I didn't go anywhere worthwhile. I hope you find this story interesting and keep you entertained. That was all from me, thank you for reading and see you on another post. Buh-bye.

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