Thursday, August 1, 2019

My Story

     Hi... I guess, *ehem*. Let's restart, Hello everyone! *wave* for starters, my name is Hasbi Huda Maulaya as you can tell, so in this(first) post, I'll tell you all about me(not *ALL* mind you). Why? Well, as the Indonesians always say, "Tak kenal maka tak sayang", so we should get to know each other better.
          It all began when I was in a race against 20 Mil to a 100 Million other competitors, but I was lucky enough to win against all odds. Anyway 9 months later I then born into this new and strange world. I really don't remember much from my childhood days, but when I was 7-8 years old I remember I have a friend from my neighboor, I think his and her names was "Adit", "Aria", "Okan", and "Najla".
          We were like the best of the best of friends. I really enjoy spending the time together, like there was one time I was invited to Okan's house, to play PS2 together, there was also when I invited Aria and Adit to my house and then play some horror games. Man... that was some dark times. Although we are the best of friends it was changed on that fateful day. 
          One day my sister, Okan, Najla, and I want to try to play a skateboard and a bicycle at the same time. So we tied the skateboard to the back of the bike and someone will ride the bike while someone will sit on the skateboard. So it was supposed to be Najla's turn but, being the spoiled little child I am, I told my sister I want to play again. My sister then tell Najla that she should give her turn to me, but Najla doesn't want to give up. It was then it got into a heated argument, Okan and I were just like watching from the sideline hoping it will end. Things got really heated over at my sister's side, they started shouting and pointing at each other. Then coincidentally, there was a spare tire on the side of the road, my sister then pick it up and then she proceed to smack the living daylights out of her. She then proceed to cry and ran back to her house, my sister did that too. Okan and I ran after my sister to try to persuade her into forgiving Najla. But she locked herself in her room shouting that Najla is dumb. After about 10 minutes, we gave up trying to persuade her, Okan got back to his house. After that incident, we grew apart, Aria, Adit, Okan and Najla couldn't be bothered to try to play with my sister and I. I remember they always play with each other while we could only watch them. To this day, I usually see Okan at a mosque, he grew taller while I occasionally see Najla too in front of her house. I don't think my sister have been forgiven by them.
          Anyway that was my childhood story, sorry if it was kinda sad, but it was my most unforgettable memories. Thank you for reading this until the end, comments are always appreciated.  

P.S. For Najla and Okan, if you read this, I'm very sorry for causing trouble for both of you, I hope you both can forgive me.